Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Night Beer N' Game

This Week's Beer: Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale
This Week's Game: Ninja Gaiden

The Beer: Harvest Moon is basically Blue Moon with more spices. Upon drinking it taste like any other American Ale, but when swallowed the full range of flavors hits you. First nutmeg, then a little clove, but when your taste buds start to settle down, you get this brew's most predominant flavor of pumpkin; as if you had just finished a piece of pumpkin pie. The first thought that crossed my mind was "Well that's kinda weird." The second was my brain telling my arm to lift it up for another swig. Weird, but in a good way. This is part of Blue Moon's seasonal collection, so I'd recommend picking some up soon, before it's all gone.

The Game: Ninja Gaiden on the NES is a game for anyone who loves screaming profanities at the top of their lungs. Don't get me wrong, this is a great game, but goddamn is it hard. Your only solace is knowing that every other person whose ever played this game shares the same frustration. Ninja Gaiden isn't just known for it's difficulty though, It's also known for it's fast paced gameplay, tight controls, great music, oh, and cutscenes. Though it may be extremely common nowadays, back in 1989, gamers were amazed at the level of depth a game's story could be, and Ninja Gaiden is considered to be the first (console) game to feature cutscenes.

So there, you got drunk, had a history lesson, and broke an NES controller all in a short period of time. Why? Because the best way to kick off the weekend is with a Friday Night Beer N' Game!

Happy Halloween!!

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