This Week's Game: Breakout
The Beer: The regular Dos Equis isn't bad, but it defiantly tastes like any run of the mill Lager. Amber Dos Equis on the other hand, has a rich flavor that satisfies the palette, while not leaving the sensation of being full after only a few. It has a dark gold/red color that is really appealing to the eye, and a crisp, refreshing flavor that can be appreciated by both the drinkers of light beer, and drinkers of stout/dark beers. This is a beer that can be enjoyed by everyone, and I highly recommend it.
The Game: Breakout on the Atari 2600 is a game that has represented a generation of gamers. For the one or two of you who don't know, Breakout is that game in which there is a bunch of blocks at the top of the screen. You use your paddle controller (a controller with a big dial and a single button) to move around a paddle at the bottom of the screen. A single pixel will bounce around the screen, when it hits a block it disappears and you get a point. The pixel will bounce back to the bottom of the screen, you are to position the paddle so the pixel will bounce again, hitting more blocks. Sounds simply? That's because it is, and that's the beauty of it. Nowadays we are all looking for the most advanced games to play, which is fine. Thirty years ago, all you needed was something so simple as Breakout. Even today people, myself included, have found this game to be both enjoyable, and addicting. I personally find it sort of therapeutic. Like my brain is defraging itself while I play. Maybe that's just me. Anyhow, remember, the best way to kick off the weekend is with a Friday Night Beer N' Game!
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