Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Night Beer N' Game

Beer of the Week: Guinness
Game of the Week: Super Mario World

The Beer: Guinness is probably the greatest beer ever made. It's dark, smooth, and most importantly, it gives a giant middle finger to the supposed "King of Beers". Its dark amber coloring is often mistaken for black, especially with it's thick, off white head. While most beers lose their head after only a few minutes, Guinness' sticks around from the time it's poured, to the very last drop. Unfortunately Guinness has gotten some unjust prejudice from the majority of American Drinkers, due to it's dark color. People assume just because it's dark, that it's bitter as well, and never try this wonderful Irish brew. The way I see it though is, if you judge a beer by it's color, your unworthy of drinking it. All Hail the True King of Beers!

The Game: Super Mario World is one of my favorite games on the Super Nintendo. Hell, do you know one person with a SNES that doesn't own at least one copy of this game? I sure don't. This is the game that set the standard for what was to come on Nintendo's 16 bit console. Even though I grew up rooting for Sega, I cannot deny that Mario's jump into the next generation, was a work of art that had even the blue hedgehog himself saying "Oh Shit!" Spectacular levels filled with color and secrets that put the previous Mario games to shame, and Yoshi. How awesome is it to stomp on enemies, or eat them only to spit them back up and kill yet another foe. Man this game is great, and you know what else? It's hard as fuck! I swear they designed this game just to screw with you. Giving you a bunch of easy levels, and then one that Makes you want to chuck your controller at the T.V. Damn it's hard, but not so hard that it's unenjoyable and, this may have been a coincidence, but it sure seemed like the game got easier after my second pint. Weird huh?
So pour yourself a Guinness, (the proper way!) dust off that Super Nintendo, and play some Super Mario World, because there's no better way to kick off the weekend than with a Friday Night Beer N' Game!

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